Friday, July 6, 2007

My Blog title

Give me a chance to explain my blog title.

Of course it is a Sanskrit word. And of course I wanted my title to be an oxymoron.
So I choose this word Gadgadadhvani, which means "inarticulate expression of joy or grief".

Let me start my blog by invoking God with these verses :

ॐ ! May my speech be based on (i.e. accord with) the mind;
May my mind be based on speech.
O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me.
May you both (speech and mind) be the carriers of the Veda to me.
May not all that I have heard depart from me.
I shall join together (i.e. obliterate the difference of) day
And night through this study.
I shall utter what is verbally true;
I shall utter what is mentally true.
May that (Brahman) protect me;
May That protect the speaker (i.e. the teacher), may That protect me;
May that protect the speaker – may That protect the speaker.
ॐ ! Peace ! Peace ! Peace !